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MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Hi John, and every one looking! I'll keep this post in English so any non Danish speaking ppl can follow the thread :)

First off, I really enjoy the airport! Much, much better than the default, obviously, and I'm already looking forward to EKRN being released :D
Now, the night lightning on the models in MSFS seems to be very bright, almost as if the buildings themselves emit light as can be seen in the following screenshots:


Now the fix is luckily relatively easy, basically 'just' requiring the night lightning textures to be much darker in the dark areas, in fact probably pitch black. I did my own quick and dirty testing changing the textures in photoshop.

Default night lightning on the Lalandia building:

In sim

In Photoshop

My change:

In Sim

In Photoshop

I hope this is something you'll have a look into, and that it is not too much of a hassle to fix in a future update.

Best regards Troels
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Re: MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Thanks for this feedback, I see what you mean. I will try and adjust the night texture lightning in an update to the package, thanks again. Glad that you like the scenery :-)
Martin Damm
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Re: MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Is there any update on this?

I just bought this addon November 2021 and I see that it is still an issue. The airport looks great and all but the night lighting on the buildings is a real eye sore unfortunately.

Had I known I probably would have waited to buy to be honest.
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Re: MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Hej Martin. Beklager det sene svar. De mørkere nattextures kom beklageligvis ikke med i v.1.3.1-opdateringen, som det ellers var planen. Jeg vil gøre mit bedste til, at de kommer med i næste opdatering, der også gerne skulle rette problemet med træer og buske inde på lufthavnsområdet
Martin Damm
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Re: MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Hej John

Tak fordi du vender tilbage til mig.

Det lyder rigtig godt at opdateringen er på vej. Jeg havde faktisk ikke lagt mærke til træer der var kommet på afveje, så det er kun et plus hvis det også bliver fikset.

Når de to ting er på plads er det ren 5 stjerner herfra. Det er som at være der i virkeligheden.

Martin Damm
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Re: MSFS Natte belysning / Night Lightning

Jeg kommer lige med en hurtig tilbagemelding efter jeg så, at den var blevet opdateret i Marketplace. Nu ser det helt rigtigt ud. Tak for opdateringen! :D

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