Sonderborg X has now been updated to v.1.7. The scenery is now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North and can be installed in P3Dv4. This update is free of charge for existing customers. The new version is available via Vidan Design's store and should also be on simMarket shortly.
New in version 1.7:
Updated the installer to support P3Dv4
Corrected aerial image projection
Scenery now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North
Replaced stock library trees with custom modeled trees
Various minor fixes and changes
If you have installed a previous version of Sonderborg X, please follow this procedure to install v. 1.7:
1. In FSX/FSX:SE/P3D, delete Sonderborg X from the list in Settings > Scenery Library
2. Uninstall Sonderborg X by using Windows add/remove programs or by choosing the uninstall option from your start menu under Vidan Design/Sonderborg X
3. Install version 1.7
4. Add the scenery to the Scenery Library manually (please see the manual for more information)
Users of ORBX FTX Germany North will need to rename the file:
In order to remove white lines on the apron and taxi way edges. The file is usually located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery
An update to Sonderborg X is now available at Vidan Designs webshop. Fixes and changes in version 1.6: Added parking spot (Parking Ramp GA #15) inside maintenance hangar (FSX/Steam Edition only), fixed an issue with night textures inside maintenance hangar, added “exclude”-file that removes objects and buildings from other EKSB sceneries (Denmark Scenery, FTX Germany North), updated manual with airport information. Happy flying in ... Sønderjylland