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Sonderborg X update

Edit: Updated to v.1.7:

Sonderborg X has now been updated to v.1.7. The scenery is now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North and can be installed in P3Dv4. This update is free of charge for existing customers. The new version is available via Vidan Design's store and should also be on simMarket shortly.

New in version 1.7:

Updated the installer to support P3Dv4
Corrected aerial image projection
Scenery now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North
Replaced stock library trees with custom modeled trees
Various minor fixes and changes


If you have installed a previous version of Sonderborg X, please follow this procedure to install v. 1.7:

1. In FSX/FSX:SE/P3D, delete Sonderborg X from the list in Settings > Scenery Library
2. Uninstall Sonderborg X by using Windows add/remove programs or by choosing the uninstall option from your start menu under Vidan Design/Sonderborg X
3. Install version 1.7
4. Add the scenery to the Scenery Library manually (please see the manual for more information)

Users of ORBX FTX Germany North will need to rename the file:


In order to remove white lines on the apron and taxi way edges. The file is usually located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery

An update to Sonderborg X is now available at Vidan Designs webshop. Fixes and changes in version 1.6: Added parking spot (Parking Ramp GA #15) inside maintenance hangar (FSX/Steam Edition only), fixed an issue with night textures inside maintenance hangar, added “exclude”-file that removes objects and buildings from other EKSB sceneries (Denmark Scenery, FTX Germany North), updated manual with airport information. Happy flying in ... Sønderjylland :D
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hmmm, jeg har været inde på både Vidan shop, og simmarket, hvor jeg købte Sønderborg igennem, og ingen af stederne kan jeg se updaten? Har du evt. et direkte link til den?
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jlund wrote:Hmmm, jeg har været inde på både Vidan shop, og simmarket, hvor jeg købte Sønderborg igennem, og ingen af stederne kan jeg se updaten? Har du evt. et direkte link til den?
Jeg kan heller ikke finde den, så du er ikke alene Jørn. :)
- Jens Peter "Penz" Pedersen
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jeg har installeret den uden problemer.
Den ligger under "purchase history" på Simmarket

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hvis man tidligere har købt Sonderborg X på Vidan Design webshop, skal man logge ind på sin konto og downloade Sonderborg X påny.

Den nye version skulle nu også være kommet på simMarket, og dér er proceduren den sammen.
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jeg tror nok at jeg fik min kopi af en meget, meget rar udvikler engang ... ;)
- Jens Peter "Penz" Pedersen
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jeg fik en mail fra simmarket om updaten og man blot skulle fjerne den gl. version og downloade exe.'en igen, så nu skulle den være der.
Det er den også, men jeg har stadigvæk et mesh problem sammen med FTX Global, EU_Landclass og FTX Germany North, og jeg har intet mesh installeret, kun P3D default.

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Er der ingen af jer andre der har dette problem? Der er jo ingen grund til for mig at håbe på et fix fra Vidan, hvis det kun er hos mig problemet er.
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Det er ikke kun dig. Det er alle, der har FTX GEN installeret. Updaten løser ikke kystlinie-problemet (den fjerne kun objekter og bygninger fra FTX GEN/DS som det fremgår af beskrivelsen). I forhold til kystlinerne er problemet, at ground terrain i FTX GEN og Sonderborg X grundlæggende er "forskudt" i forhold til hinanden. Hvis jeg skal løse det problem på en ordentlig måde skal hele sceneryet "drejes" en lille smule, hvilket vil sige, at alle bygninger, ground polys, objekter, skilte etc. skal placeres påny. Alternativet er, at ORBX laver en patch, der gør DERES produkt kompatibelt med MIT (som kom FØRST) ... men det er nok ikke realistisk ... :?

Sonderborg X fungerer glimrende, hvis man ikke bruger/deaktiverer FTX GEN
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Re: Sonderborg X update

I am a little confused as to why an update has been issued that adds an exclude for FTX GEN objects but doesn't deal with the issues of:

"Remaining issues:

* Sonderborg X is offset a few meters in relation to GEN and other sceneries

* Due to the offset GEN coastline doesn't match Sonderborg X and will cut into the airport plateau (but not as far as the taxiways and runway)

* Developer has been informed about the offset"

to quote from the FTX forum.

If your suggestion, as in your post from yesterday, is to turn off FTX GEN if xyou have it, as Sonderborg X workls well then, why did you go to the effort of creating the compatibility in the form of the exclude? OrbX created a wide regional scenery. It is going to be a little far fetched to expect them to make the underlying scenery work with every single addon airport out there. It would be really great if the scenery could be made compatible with FTX GEN, as your version of Sonderborg is better in so many respects than the FTX-enhanced default version.

How would I also go about fitting the ground textures better to match the seasons. In March, white snow-covered ground is showing up...

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Re: Sonderborg X update

The update does not deal with the coast line issue because that would require a major re-work of the scenery. The update includes an exclude that removes FTX GEN objects from the runway and taxiways, the most critical issue in regards to compatibility. It is now possible to use the scenery together with FTX GEN. That is an improvement, i think.

Sonderborg X has snow covered ground i March because default FSX/P3D has partially snow cover i Denmark in March:
sonderborgx_march.jpg (1.82 MiB) Viewed 17382 times
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Thanks John for your reply.

I understand it that I can simply remove the FTX GEN entries for EKSB default (FTX GEN version) and the objects file in the FTX GEN folder to get EKSB (Vidan) to work. The big problem is the terrain issue. Is there really no simple way to match it up with the FTX GEN coastline? It is so close to the region that I am not willing to turn the whole stuff off just to fly in and out of Sonderborg without that cliff issue. The airport appears to be further west than it is in real life, if the FTX GEN coastline is correct. Is there any way to edit the terrain next to the runway to remove that cliff and slope the terrain down to the coastline less abruptly? I know this would not reflect the correct location relative to the FTX GEN coastline, but it would certainly look better than that cliff...

My biggest problem is that I have absolutely no experience at all in flight simulation development and have merely dabbled in tools to edit the AFCADs from time to time. I understand that this is somewhat more complex than that. Perhaps an upgrade of the scenery at a cost to those with FTX GEN? I am aware of the time that something of this nature may take and I would never expect such updates to scenery to go totally free of charge. I would certainly be willing to pay for an upgrade to get this working with FTX GEN, as my only option currently is to remove the Vidan Design version and run with the FTX GEN version, as I believe the overall impression is marred immensely by the cliff next to the runway.

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Re: Sonderborg X update

No reply on this John? As I said, I am willing to pay an upgrade fee, as I am fully aware of the fact that it requires some work in order to fit it.

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Sorry for the very long wait. I have now made a completly new ortho photo scenery for Sonderborg X. The aerial image now has the correct WGS 84 projection and the coastline aligns perfectly with both FSX/P3D default and FTX German North terrain. Since the ground terrain has rotated and shifted, I needed to place every single scenery element once agian. I still need to create new autogen and make a few adjustments, but hopefully the update will be ready soon.


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Re: Sonderborg X update

Sonderborg X has now been updated to v.1.7. The scenery is now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North and can be installed in P3Dv4. This update is free of charge for existing customers. The new version is available via Vidan Design's store and should also be on simMarket shortly.

New in version 1.7:

Updated the installer to support P3Dv4
Corrected aerial image projection
Scenery now compatible with ORBX FTX Germany North
Replaced stock library trees with custom modeled trees
Various minor fixes and changes


If you have installed a previous version of Sonderborg X, please follow this procedure to install v. 1.7:

1. In FSX/FSX:SE/P3D, delete Sonderborg X from the list in Settings > Scenery Library
2. Uninstall Sonderborg X by using Windows add/remove programs or by choosing the uninstall option from your start menu under Vidan Design/Sonderborg X
3. Install version 1.7
4. Add the scenery to the Scenery Library manually (please see the manual for more information)

Users of ORBX FTX Germany North will need to rename the file:


In order to remove white lines on the apron and taxi way edges. The file is usually located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_GEN_05_SCENERY\scenery
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hej John

Har lige installeret Sønderborg i min Prepar3d V4 hotfix 1, jeg har nu et prb som jeg håber du kan løse. Efter installering af Sønderborg, kan jeg ikke længere loade PMDG 747 eller 777. Simulatoren crasher med en fejlmelding om NTT.dll. Hvis jeg fjerner Sønderborg fungerer alt igen og jeg kan loade PMDG 747 og 777 uden prb.

Til din info så her jeg også været nødt til at fjerne alle scenerier fra FSDT. Alle disse prb startede efter at jeg installerede hotfix 1, før igen prb.
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Theras wrote:Hej John

Har lige installeret Sønderborg i min Prepar3d V4 hotfix 1, jeg har nu et prb som jeg håber du kan løse. Efter installering af Sønderborg, kan jeg ikke længere loade PMDG 747 eller 777. Simulatoren crasher med en fejlmelding om NTT.dll. Hvis jeg fjerner Sønderborg fungerer alt igen og jeg kan loade PMDG 747 og 777 uden prb.

Til din info så her jeg også været nødt til at fjerne alle scenerier fra FSDT. Alle disse prb startede efter at jeg installerede hotfix 1, før igen prb.

Det lyder umiddelbart som en generel fejl, der er relateret til PMDG-fly. Hvad sker der, hvis du i P3Dv4 m. hotfix har Sondrborg X installeret og loader et default fly? Crasher det så også?

Jeg selv har endnu ikke installeret hotfix 1 og jeg har heller ikke nogle PMDG fly i P3D, så jeg kan ikke teste det lige nu og her.
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hej John,

Alle andre fly og andre 3 party fly loader uden prb. Har bragt problemet op på PMDGs forum, men de mener ikke at det er et problem med deres fly, men derimod, at det er et prb med 3 party sceneries. Jeg er ikke alene med problemet andre har også rapporteret det.

Jeg ved ikke hvad hotfix 1 ændrede, men noget er blevet ændret, inden jeg opdatere med hotfiix 1 havde jeg ingen prb.

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jeg har købt Sønderborg X hos Aerosoft.
Bliver Installeren opdateret til 1.7 hos dem ?
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Jeg har godt set Robert Randazzo advarsel om installation af scenery, der ikke er kompilet med v4 SDK. Hvad der er op og ned i den diskussion, kan jeg ikke afgøre. Men jeg har testet Billund, Sønderborg og Bornholm i en helt frisk installation af v4 med stock fly etc., og jeg har ikke observeret problemer af nogen art.

Link til Robert Randazzo indlæg + diskussuion: ... tallation/
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Re: Sonderborg X update

wothan wrote:Jeg har købt Sønderborg X hos Aerosoft.
Bliver Installeren opdateret til 1.7 hos dem ?
Det håber jeg. Aerosoft står formelt som udgiver, så jeg kan ikke "tvinge" dem til at opdatere deres Vidan Design-sceneries. Men jeg har skrevet til dem og tilbudt dem de nye versioner, afventer svar. :)
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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hej John,

Har læst alle indlæg om sceneries der ikke er kompatibel med V4 og har ikke installeret nogen. Jeg har også Billund X og den giver mig ingen prb, så spørgsmålet, hvad er anderledes i Sønderborg?

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Hej John,

Har også Bornholm, kun Sønderborg giver mig problemer. Underligt ikke?

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Re: Sonderborg X update

Theras wrote:Hej John,

Har læst alle indlæg om sceneries der ikke er kompatibel med V4 og har ikke installeret nogen. Jeg har også Billund X og den giver mig ingen prb, så spørgsmålet, hvad er anderledes i Sønderborg?

Der er én ting, der er anderledes, og det er, at det nye ground terrain (altså ortho photo-sceneryet) i Sonderborg X er kompileret med v4 SDK Resample Tool. Det ville være lidt ironisk, hvis det skulle give problemer med netop PMDG, da de jo netop anbefaler, at deres fly kun bruges sammen med v4 kompileret scenery ...

Jeg kan godt prøve at kompilere photo scenery'et med resample.exe fra FSX SDK (ligesom Bornholm og Billund). Du er velkommen til at afprøve det og se, om det løser problemet.
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Re: Sonderborg X update


Hvorfor ikke kunne være en god ide at afprøve det.


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